The inability of the Copyright system to effectively respond to the challenges posed by digitalization and the Internet


The evolution of technology has been one of the most exceptional doings of the human mind. Digitalization has unlocked numerous gates for opportunities in various fields, be it communication, health or education. The most important aspect of this evolution is the Internet.

The Internet consists of all the information one may need, like books, music, news, as everything is  just a click. Though most of this information is available for free, there are some that require payment.. The Internet is like one big library but without any librarian, which poses a great threat for Copyright infringement as nobody keeps track of what information is being used on the internet and how it is being used.  Digitalization and the Internet have made it very handy to replicate and sell the work of a copyright proprietor without his permission, the detection of  which becomes difficult. This has posed a great threat to the right of the copyright proprietors or creators.

Challenges posed by Digitalization and The internet:

The Internet has been one of the significant dangers to copyright for quite some time now. The data accessible on the web has changing levels of copyright protection. The plethora of information attainable on the internet makes it hard to identify whether the work is a replication of protected work or not. There is a common misconception that the information retrieved via the internet on a public domain can be freely copied unless the information has been accessible by the government, or the term for copyright has terminated, or the holder of the copyright has given up his right.  Infringement of copyright on the internet can be done by downloading and uploading the copyrighted information on the Internet or by hot-linking which usually involves linking the hosting website of the image and displaying the image on another website.

The prime example of using copyrighted information is books and movies. Due to digitalization and the Internet, paperback books can now be converted into E- books and can be easily saved in millions of copies in a device smaller than a matchbox, However, because of the accessible nature of the Internet, people copy the book and upload it on the internet for people to read for free. This leads  not only to infringement of copyright but also deprives the authors of the monetary benefits they are to get out of their work.

The same goes with movies, there have been many instances in the past where the movie has been pirated before or after the release in theaters and has been made available on the internet for people to watch free of cost.

Preventive measures against Infringement of copyright on the Internet:

Some of the preventive measure which ensures the rights and interest of owner are mentioned below:

1.Digital watermarks

Watermark is planted on the original work of the author so that the unauthorized duplication of the work can be spotted. It is one of the easiest ways to shield the work of the creator as it helps the owner to track his work and prevent it from being copied.

2.Copy and Access control

There are many software that enable a creator to check on the illegal or free use of his work.

3.Blockchain Technology

It is a highly secure decentralized public ledger that is used to record the exchange between peers. In each transaction that occurs, the parties consent to encode the details into the block of digital data which is identified. Due to its unique function, it is known as an exceptional technology to resolve the problem of copyright on the Digital domain.


With digitalization, many opportunities have been created for the creators to showcase their work and creation but on the flip side of the coin, it has also raised many concerns about infringement of the copyrights. Although, several measures have been taken on both National and International levels to subside the infringement of copyrights on the digital domain. However, there is a lot that still needs to be done. At the national level, it is essential to create awareness among the people to prevent infringement by training the enforcement agencies and developing proper mechanisms whereas, at the International level, it should be ensured that provisions under treaties and conventions are being complied with.


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